What is mindfulness? Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: On purpose, in the present moment, without judgement and with kindness and humor. Current research says that practicing mindfulness can reduce stress and anxiety, improve your health, give you more satisfaction in your relationships and help you sleep better. For more on the research visit our resource page.
What is a mindful family consultant? A mindful family consultant is like a personal trainer for your mind. Working with me will help you see results faster, without spending time spinning your wheels or getting lost in meaningless Google searches. Not only will I customize a plan just for you, but when you work with me you'll see changes immediately.
How can you help me? I teach parents the strataegies you need today to make your day-to-day family life smoother. I'll show you how to be more intentional about your decisions so that you feel better about your parenting choices and raise smart, compassionate, happy kids. Work with me to discover long term solutions to keep yourself healthy and sane. Sleep better. Improve your relationships. Be the parent you want to be.
Who are you? I’ve always been a little skeptical of what I call the hoovy groovy. I’m a practical, down to earth kind of person who has always taken refuge in the scientific method. So it’s more than a little unusual that I have become an advocate for the benefits of mindfulness. I serve as the Program Manager for the Mindful Teacher Project and am a founding member of the Transformational Leadership Team at Passageworks Institute. I am also a facilitator for the SMART in Education program, an 8 week course for educators based on the work of Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. In my spare time I offer workshops on Mindful Parenting and talk to local parent organizations in addition to working with families on an individual basis.